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  1. Market Update August 2023


    Global equity markets retreated in August, giving back some of the recent strong returns of prior months...

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  2. Market Update August 2022


    Major developed equity markets produced mixed returns over the month of August, as markets weighed the impact of central bank interest rate hikes on inflation, employment, and the economy...

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  3. Market Update July 2022


    Global equity markets performed moderately well but inconsistently in July, resulting in varying returns, as the continued spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant forced some economies to contract...

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  4. Market Update November 2022


    November was a positive month for equity markets, with easing inflation figures in key jurisdictions raising hopes of Central Banks pivoting away from aggressive interest rate tightening...

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  5. Market Update September 2022


    September was a difficult month for equity markets, with the combination of aggressive interest rate rises and a weakening economic outlook driving negative returns...

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  6. Market Update November 2023


    Global equity markets produced strong returns in November, as market participants forecast Central Banks easing interest rates earlier than previously thought...

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  7. Market Update September 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  8. Market Update October 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  9. Market Update December 2020


    Global equity markets experienced strong returns in December as early stages of vaccine distribution drove investor confidence...

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  10. Market Update February 2022


    Many of the world’s equity markets produced negative returns in February due to global uncertainty stemming from the Russia-Ukraine conflict and continued elevated inflation across economies...

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