Telstra Defined Benefits Super

As a Defined Benefit member you enjoy all the benefits and services TelstraSuper has to offer.

Fee-free defined benefit
  • Benefit based on a set formula independent of investment performance
  • No investment risk to the member
  • Employer and personal contributions
Insurance cover
  • Death and Total & Permanent Disablement cover
Contribute to a Voluntary Accumulation Account
  • Transfer (roll-in) super from any other funds
  • Make your own regular or one-off contributions
Investment choice
Track your super with ease
  • Use SuperOnline™ to manage your super securely
  • Monitor investment performance and check TelstraSuper's daily unit prices for your Voluntary Accumulation Account.
  • Receive detailed member statements
Membership benefits
  • Access to expert financial advice through TelstraSuper Financial Planning
  • Regular member magazine and informative e-publications
  • Educational seminars

Defined benefit arrangements are closed and are only for full-time and part-time Telstra employees who commenced work for Telstra prior to July 1999. For more detailed information on how your arrangement works, download the TelstraSuper Division 2 Super Guide or visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

Portfolio holdings disclosure

TelstraSuper is proud of our investment track record and approach to responsible investment. To provide a better understanding of what that means and how we invest our funds on behalf of our members, every 30 June and 31 December reporting date we take a “snapshot” of our portfolio holdings‡ and then break it down to show the investment allocations for each investment option. In line with current legislation, this information is made available within 90 days of each reporting date and is presented to meet the required reporting and formatting standards. For more information please see the Investments - Portfolio Holdings Disclosure section of our FAQs page.


‡ The portfolio holdings information disclosed is current only on the applicable 30 June or 31 December reporting date in a particular year. Portfolio holdings information is only updated twice a year on a date that is within 90 days after a reporting date. The portfolio holdings disclosures are made for informational purposes only and do not constitute any recommendation and/or endorsement to any person to buy or sell any investment or employ and/or implement any particular investment strategy. Any general advice on this website document has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before you act on any general advice in this document, you should consider whether it is appropriate to your individual circumstances. Before making any investment decision, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement. You may wish to consult a financial adviser before you make any decisions relating to your financial affairs. Past performance is no indicator of future returns.