Everything you need to set up your super account

Whether you're new to super or new to TelstraSuper, here are some important steps to take to make sure your super's working hard for you. Each step only takes a few minutes and can make a big difference to your final balance.  

  • Locate and combine your super accounts online

    Do you have more than one super account, eating away your savings in unnecessary fees? In less than five minutes you can find any super accounts in your name and combine them to your TelstraSuper account.

  • Nominate a beneficiary

    Nominating a beneficiary helps TelstraSuper to determine who should receive your super benefit in the event of your death.

  • Choose investment options

    TelstraSuper has a range of investment options that allow you to take control of your super.

  • Maximise your super

    Make your super work hard. Living a comfortable life in retirement is something we all want.

  • Your insurance cover

    You never know what life's going to throw at you, so you can’t plan for the unexpected. What you can do is make sure you consider having cost effective insurance cover in place should life take an unexpected turn.

  • Register online

    Super could be one of your biggest assets when you finish work. Keeping up to date on it is important.