*Consider the relevant PDS and TMD and if this is right for you before making a decision

Combine your KiwiSaver and super
to pay just one set of fees.

Grow your retirement savings, manage your investment options and pay one set of competitive fees.
It's how we've supported our members for over 30 years.

The easier way to move your KiwiSaver to Australia

Bring your KiwiSaver to Australia when you join TelstraSuper.


Move from New Zealand and become a Permanent Resident of Australia


Have an Australian Tax File Number (TFN)


Provide a home address

Transfer your KiwiSaver to TelstraSuper

We'll help transfer your KiwiSaver balance to TelstraSuper in just 4 steps.


Step 1

Join TelstraSuper, so we can create your member number and the account details you'll need.

Join TelstraSuper


Step 2

Tell your KiwiSaver fund you want to transfer your balance to a complying Australian super fund. You'll need to complete their KiwiSaver transfer form and comply with any of their requirements.


Step 3

Send the completed transfer form to us by securely uploading via your SuperOnline account, or emailing us on [email protected]. We will send your KiwiSaver fund all the details they need for the transfer.


Step 4

You'll receive confirmation from us when we've received the funds from your New Zealand KiwiSaver. This can take up to 4 weeks.

Transferring your KiwiSaver FAQs

  • What is KiwiSaver?
    Started in 2007, and slightly different from Australia’s super system, KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings scheme currently helping over 3 million New Zealanders save for retirement. Individuals can contribute a percentage of their salary to independent KiwiSaver funds, and these are then topped up by contributions from employers, and, in some cases, the New Zealand Government.
  • What is KiwiSaver's Australian equivalent?
    There’s no exact equivalent to KiwiSaver, but Australia’s superannuation funds are similar to the KiwiSaver providers.
  • What’s the difference between KiwiSaver and Australian superannuation?

    KiwiSaver is voluntary to a degree whereas in Australia, it is compulsory for employers to contribute some of an employee’s wage into super . Employees can choose whether to make additional contributions, subject to contribution caps and eligibility requirements.

    In New Zealand, if an employee contributes to their own KiwiSaver account, then their employer must contribute the equivalent of at least 3% of that employee’s wage.

  • What happens to my KiwiSaver when I move to Australia?
    If you move to Australia but leave your KiwiSaver where it is, it will carry on as normal, ready for when you reach New Zealand retirement age. However, if you stop being a New Zealand resident for tax purposes, then the income that your KiwiSaver investment earns will be taxed at 28%.
  • Can I withdraw my KiwiSaver if I move to Australia?
    No, you can’t withdraw it to use unless you’ve reached New Zealand retirement age, but you can transfer it to an Australian-based super fund.
  • Can I transfer my KiwiSaver to any Australian-based super fund?

    You can transfer your KiwiSaver to some superannuation funds, but not all. Of the 100+ super funds in Australia, only a handful are set up to receive KiwiSaver funds, and not all of them make it simple. So, do your research and remember that it’s possible to switch between complying Aussie funds if you need to.

    TelstraSuper is one of the few funds that is set up for KiwiSaver transfers, and what’s more, we make it easy to do as well.

  • If I make a KiwiSaver transfer to Australia, do I pay tax?
    No, you don’t pay tax on the transfer, but you also can’t treat it as a voluntary contribution and claim a tax deduction on it.
  • Does TelstraSuper charge fees for transferring my KiwiSaver?
    No, we don’t charge fees to transfer your KiwiSaver. The only fees we charge are the normal fees for running your account. However, your New Zealand fund may charge fees for the transfer, and you may lose other benefits that apply to the KiwiSaver account, so it's important to consider any impacts before your transfer.
  • If I do a KiwiSaver transfer to Australia, when can I access the funds?
    The amount you transfer from New Zealand is usually accessible when you reach the New Zealand retirement age. The future investment earnings in Australia will be handled under Australian rules, as will the portion of your super that was paid in from Australia.
  • Is there a transfer minimum?
    You must transfer your entire KiwiSaver balance.
  • Is there a transfer maximum?
    The transfer is treated as an after-tax contribution which currently has a cap of AU$120,000 per year. But, if you’re under 75, you may be able to transfer $360,000 in one move by treating it as three years’ worth of contributions under the Bring Forward Rule. If you exceed the cap, you’ll be liable for excess contributions tax.
  • Is the transfer in Australian dollars or New Zealand dollars?
    The balance transferred will use the currency conversion rate from NZD to AUD on the date it’s received in your TelstraSuper account.
  • Do I need a TFN or IRD, or both?
    You’ll need to provide TelstraSuper with your Australian Tax File Number (TFN) and New Zealand Inland Revenue (IRD) number.
  • TelstraSuper fund details
    Your KiwiSaver fund will need our bank details to transfer your funds:

    TelstraSuper's fund details

    ABN 85 502 108 833
  • Letter of compliance
    The letter of compliance advises that TelstraSuper is a complying superannuation fund as required under the choice of fund legislation.


Use KiwiSaver for your first home

Once you’ve transferred your KiwiSaver you may be able to put some of it towards a deposit for your first home in Australia, under the first home super saver (FHSS) scheme.

There's no requirement for you to be an Australian citizen. Learn more about the FHSS and please see the full list of FHSS eligibility criteria at the ATO website.*

Find out more

We’re here to help

Call 1300 033 166

We can help you transfer your KiwiSaver over the phone at no additional cost.


Get advice

Get advice from our in-house financial planning team to suit your individual financial situation and needs.

Request A Call

Our awards and recognition

TelstraSuper has a proud history of elite performance and achievement stretching over two decades. We’re honoured to have been awarded the following commendations that represent recognition by both independent agencies and industry peers.

  • SuperRatings Pension of the Year 2023

  • Innovation – Superannuation Advice Leader 2024

  • Chant West Pension Fund of the Year 2022 and 2023

  • Chant West Insurance Best Fund 2022

  • ESG Leader Super Fund

Have other super accounts in Australia?

By combining your accounts you’ll only pay one set of fees.

Combine Australian accounts
Image: Hero image

* Learn more about the FHSS and please see the full list of FHSS eligibility criteria at the ATO website.

Any general advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before you act on any general advice on this website , you should consider whether it is appropriate to your individual circumstances. Before making any investment decision, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement and target market determination which is available on the Website or by calling 1300 033 166. You may wish to consult an Adviser before you make any decisions relating to your financial affairs. To speak with an Adviser from TelstraSuper Financial Planning call 1300 033 166.