Showing 781-790 results of 983

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  1. Contribute by BPAY


    BPAY gives you an easy and efficient way to contribute to your TelstraSuper account. With BPAY you can make post-tax contributions, make deductible contributions, contribute to an employee's account...

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  2. Dashboard Balance Projector Assumptions


    The Dashboard Balance Projector has been developed as a static retirement estimate tool as defined by ASIC Regulatory Guide 276: Superannuation forecasts: Calculators and retirement estimates...

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  3. Unit prices


    Unit prices are net of indirect investment fees, indirect administration fee and investment taxes...

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  4. Taking a career break


    Regardless of whether you're working, on a break or retiring, TelstraSuper can be your fund for life...

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  5. Spouse tax offset calculator


    Does your eligible spouse earn less than $40,000 per year? If you make a contribution to their super account, you may receive a tax offset of up to $540...

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  6. Super and a new job


    Regardless of where you work, you can stay with TelstraSuper. There are some key things to consider with your super when you start a new job...

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