Showing 171-180 results of 983

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  1. Market Update January 2021


    Global equity markets ended the month broadly flat in January as vaccine distributions lagged target levels and significant market volatility occurred towards the end of the month...

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  2. Market Update March 2023


    Equity markets’ returns were broadly positive in March as the Federal Reserve rushed to provide support to US bank depositors as bank stress became apparent...

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  3. Market Update February 2023


    Equity markets’ returns were mixed in February as China’s reopening was offset by additional future expected Central Bank interest rate hikes in response to resilient labour markets...

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  4. Market Update May 2023


    Equity markets’ returns were broadly flat in May as strong performing regions and sectors were largely offset by poorer performing ones...

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  5. Market Update April 2023


    Equity markets’ returns were broadly positive in April as levels of employment have so far proved resilient to Central Bank interest rate hikes...

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  6. Market Update January 2023


    January was a positive month for equity markets as China’s reopening, coupled with economic resilience in other major economies, generated a positive outlook for global growth...

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