Step It Up

Want to take that next step with your super or finances? We’ll find you a simple solution.

If you’re wanting to maximise one or two areas of your super or finances and need some extra assistance, an Adviser from TelstraSuper Financial Planning can provide you with personal advice.

Questions we can answer for you

I want to boost my super, how can I take advantage of other contribution strategies? Strategies include (but are not limited to):

  • contribution splitting
  • the First Home Super Saver Scheme
  • downsizer contributions
  • catch up (‘carry forward’) contributions.

How can I set up an income stream to pay myself an income in retirement?

Can I draw an income from my super while I'm still working?

Is your super set up for market volatility?

Compare my super and determine the best fund for me in the long term

Can you afford the car, holiday or house you want

Should you boost your super or pay off your debt

What is your actual disposable income and how are you using it

How to access the advice



How much will it cost?

$550-$1,485 per topic plus GST (where applicable) depending on the nature and complexity of advice required.

How much you pay will depend on your individual circumstances and chosen advice topic.

We're here to help

At TelstraSuper we're here to help you build a secure financial future. Before making any significant financial decisions we would encourage you to speak to TelstraSuper Financial Planning. Call 1300 033 166 or request an appointment using our online form.

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