SuperOnline and TelstraSuper's Mobile Application ("App"): Terms of Use


These Terms of Use apply to your use of SuperOnline and the App (as applicable) and any related services.

SuperOnline® and the App are internet-based portals provided by Telstra Super Pty Ltd, ABN 86 007 422 522, AFS Licence No. 236709 (Trustee), the trustee of the Telstra Superannuation Scheme (TelstraSuper) for the exclusive use of TelstraSuper members.

You can only use the App if you have a superannuation account with TelstraSuper (Account) and have registered for SuperOnline. The App offers a fast, simple and convenient means for you to check your Account. You may incur data and other charges from your mobile service provider for downloading and using the App. You are solely responsible for paying any such fees and you agree that the Trustee is not liable or responsible for any such fees or charges.

These Terms of Use are current as at 30 May 2024 and replace any previous Terms of Use for SuperOnline and the App. The Terms of Use apply to all registered users of SuperOnline and users of the App. By accessing and using SuperOnline or the App you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted the Terms of Use. Before accessing additional functionalities via SuperOnline or the App such as the TelstraSuper Direct Access Investment Platform, you will be required to accept additional terms and conditions.

The Trustee reserves the right to amend the Terms of Use at any time. You will be given notice of any amendments to the Terms of Use by the Trustee publishing the amended Terms of Use on the TelstraSuper website: You acknowledge and agree that when the Terms of Use are amended the Trustee has provided you with sufficient notice and that any subsequent access to and use of SuperOnline or the App by you constitutes an acceptance by you of the amended Terms of Use. The Trustee recommends that you periodically check the TelstraSuper website to review the current Terms of Use for SuperOnline and the App.


Action means any instructions or directions made via SuperOnline and the App (as applicable), including an instruction to change your investment options.

AEST means Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Business Day is a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Victoria.

Effective Day is the day your TelstraSuper account balance will be changed into your new investment option. The unit price for your new investment option will be declared the following Business Day.


SuperOnline and the App include functionality that allows you to view and manage aspects of your TelstraSuper account such as:

  • view and update your personal details, subscription preferences, non-binding beneficiary nominations, investment options, and insurance;
  • view your TelstraSuper account details including your account balance, contribution and transaction history;
  • view and download your account benefit statements;
  • view a summary benefit quote and/or download a detailed benefit quote (SuperOnline only);
  • request a Centrelink schedule (RetireAccess members only) (SuperOnline only); and
  • submit online enquiries.

The Trustee reserves the right to modify, reduce or restrict the functionality of SuperOnline and / or the App at any time without prior notice.

Changing investment options via SuperOnline and the App

Changing investment options via SuperOnline and the App is subject to the following terms and conditions.

The change to your investment option will be made by the Trustee on the Effective Day.

The Effective Day depends on the time your change is submitted, as follows:

  • if you submit a change to your investment options before 5.30pm (AEST) on a Business Day, the Effective Day will be that day;
  • if you submit a change to your investment options on or after 5.30pm (AEST) on a Business Day, the Effective Day will be the next Business Day;
  • if you submit a change to your investment options on a day that is not a Business Day, the Effective Day will be the next Business Day.

The Trustee can only make one change to your investment options each Effective Day.

All changes to your investment options are prospective, binding and irrevocable.

We recommend you read the Investment Guide before making any change to your investment options. RetireAccess members will need to read the Product Disclosure Statement.

Access to SuperOnline and the App

You agree that:

  • all information that you provide the Trustee via SuperOnline and the App is true and correct; and
  • where you request information via SuperOnline or the App that this information will be provided to you electronically either via email or through links on SuperOnline or the App and that you should print a copy or keep an electronic file of any document for your own records.

The Trustee will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that:

  • SuperOnline and the App are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, there will be periods where SuperOnline and the App are not available due to routine maintenance, disruptions to the telecommunication service, power supply or internet connection and other reasons beyond the control of the Trustee.

You acknowledge and accept that the Trustee is not responsible for:

  • any technical or service difficulties or processing delays that may arise in connection with an Action being submitted on a day that is not a Business Day or any errors or omissions in the Action; and
  • any matters arising from data corruption, computer viruses, unauthorised access, breaches of data security or transmission defects.

You acknowledge that:

  • the Trustee may modify, suspend, discontinue or restrict the use and availability of SuperOnline or the App at any time without notice;
  • you can cancel your registrations for SuperOnline or the App at any time by notifying the Trustee in writing or by calling the Member Contact Centre; and
  • the Trustee may terminate your access to SuperOnline or the App or restrict your access to certain functionalities on SuperOnline or the App at any time and all disclaimers and limitations of liability of the Trustee will continue after termination.


Your personal information on SuperOnline and the App is protected by your member number and password. The App also allows you to utilise biometric logins such as Face ID and Touch ID, depending on your device.

You acknowledge and agree that:

  • your member number and password will entitle anyone who correctly uses them to access SuperOnline and the App and carry out any Actions, whether or not you have authorised them;
  • the Trustee is unable to verify whether the user of a correct member number and password is a registered SuperOnline or App user;
  • you must keep your password confidential and secure at all times and not disclose it to any other person; you must not keep your password in any form, whether encoded or unencoded, in a location where it is capable of being copied, accessed or used by any other person;
  • any Actions undertaken with your member number and password, including any unauthorised or fraudulent Actions, are deemed to have been made with your authority;
  • you must contact the Trustee immediately on 1300 033 166 during business hours on a Business Day if you believe or reasonably suspect that your password has been misplaced, compromised or become known to a third party, or if you know of or suspect any unauthorised or fraudulent use of your password;
  • the Trustee is not responsible for any loss, damage (including any consequential loss or damage) claims and expenses suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by you arising out of or in connection with any unauthorised or fraudulent use of your password or other breach of security where you have not notified the Trustee of such unauthorised or fraudulent use, or breach;
  • you will provide the Trustee with any assistance it requires to investigate any unauthorised or fraudulent use of your password;
  • the Trustee has the right to reset your password and take any such other action as required to protect your security; and
  • the Trustee may cancel your password at any time and without notice if it believes that it is being used in a manner that may cause loss to you or to TelstraSuper.


Your access to SuperOnline and the App is protected by use of SSL-128 bit security. A 20-minute timeout rule applies to sessions. If your session times out, you must log in again.

When logging on to SuperOnline or the App, you are allowed three (3) attempts to enter your member number and password. After the third failed attempt you will be temporarily denied access to SuperOnline or the App. If you have forgotten your password, use the forgotten password tool or call 1300 033 166 during business hours on a Business Days to reset your password.

The Trustee will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that SuperOnline and the App are free from computer viruses and other harmful code.

You agree that you are responsible for taking appropriate steps to protect your computer, mobile phone, tablet and any other device you use to access SuperOnline or the App, from viruses, security vulnerabilities and data corruption, including the use of licensed, up-to-date, manufacturer approved operating system(s), anti-virus, anti-ransom ware, anti-malware and anti-spyware software.

The Trustee does not guarantee that SuperOnline or the App will be free from computer viruses, data corruption, transmission defects and technical difficulties or that access to SuperOnline or the App will be uninterrupted.

The Trustee does not represent or warrant the security of SuperOnline or the App or any information transmitted via SuperOnline or the App. You acknowledge and agree that you use SuperOnline and the App and transmit information via SuperOnline or the App at your own risk. Once the Trustee receives your information, it will take all reasonable steps to protect your information from loss, misuse, interference, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.


When accessing and using SuperOnline or the App, your personal information will be handled in accordance with the Trustee's Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection Statement.

When you access and use SuperOnline or the App, information about the date, time and duration of your SuperOnline or App session, the pages viewed, the documents downloaded, the type of browser used and your internet (IP) address is collected. This information is used to assist the Trustee to administer, monitor and improve the functionality of SuperOnline and the App. You are not able to be personally identified from this information. The App will collect and record your mobile device's unique ID.

Cookie technology is also used to enhance your usage of SuperOnline and the App. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer's hard drive by the Trustee's webserver. Cookies keep your session operating until you log out or until your session times out after 20 minutes of inactivity. The cookie contains your session ID which is used by the Trustee's webserver to identify if you have an active TelstraSuper account as well as allocating transaction references for your records. You can adjust the settings on your internet browser to manage, disable or block cookies. However if you do this, you may not be able to use all SuperOnline and App functionalities.

Reasonable use

You agree:

  • to use SuperOnline and the App for your personal use only;
  • not to reproduce, store, modify, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble SuperOnline or the App or any of its component parts without the prior written consent of the Trustee;
  • not to use any device, software or routine that interferes or may interfere with the proper working of SuperOnline or the App;
  • and not to use SuperOnline or the App in a manner that defames, harasses, unlawfully offends or harms any person or infringes the intellectual property rights of the Trustee.

You acknowledge that:

  • the Trustee may modify, suspend, discontinue or restrict the use and availability of SuperOnline and the App at any time without notice and will not be liable to you for such modification, suspension, discontinuation or restriction;
  • the Trustee does not guarantee that access to SuperOnline or the App will be uninterrupted;
  • your use of SuperOnline and the App may be varied, suspended or cancelled at any time by the Trustee without notice; and
  • the Trustee will not be liable for any interruption, variation, suspension or cancellation of SuperOnline or the App.


The information on SuperOnline and the App is of a general nature only and is not intended to be, a complete or definitive statement on any matters described and is subject to change without notice.

The information about your TelstraSuper account on SuperOnline and the App is updated on a regular basis. However, it is possible that some information may not be an accurate reflection of your account balance or benefit entitlements.

You agree and acknowledge that:

  • the information on SuperOnline and the App has been prepared without taking into consideration your objectives, financial situation and needs and does not constitute financial advice;
  • you should not make any decisions about your superannuation arrangements based solely on the information on SuperOnline or the App;
  • before making any decision in relation to your TelstraSuper membership you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement available from the website or by calling us on 1300 033 166 during business hours on a Business Day; and
  • the performance of the investment options referred to on SuperOnline and the App is not guaranteed by the Trustee or the relevant investment managers. The value of investments may rise and fall with changes in the market. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The information on SuperOnline and the App is provided by the Trustee in good faith and all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the information to ensure it is accurate, up-to-date and complete. However, as superannuation is complex and subject to change from time to time, the Trustee reserves the right to correct any errors or omissions in the information on SuperOnline and the App. Before taking any action or making any decision in relation to the information on SuperOnline or the App you should contact TelstraSuper on 1300 033 166 during business hours on a Business Day.

To the extent permitted by law, the Trustee does not make any representations and excludes all warranties in relation to the suitability, accuracy, currency or completeness of the information on SuperOnline and the App. No responsibility is accepted by the Trustee, its directors, officers, employees and related bodies corporate for any errors or omissions (including as a result of negligence) in the information on SuperOnline and the App or for any loss or damage (including any consequential loss or damage), claims and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs) suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by you arising out of or in connection with your reliance in whole or part on the information on SuperOnline or the App. You should not act in reliance on any of the information obtained from SuperOnline or the App and should consider seeking advice from a financial adviser about your own personal circumstances before making an investment decision.

The operation and management of TelstraSuper is governed by superannuation, taxation and related legislation, and the TelstraSuper Trust Deed. To the extent of any conflict between the information on the Website and the Trust Deed, the Trust Deed will prevail.

Limitation of liability

Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Trustee, its directors, officers, employees and related bodies corporate exclude any liability for any loss, damage (including any consequential loss or damage), claims and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs) suffered or incurred by you directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with your use of SuperOnline and the App (including where such use involves an unauthorised or fraudulent act of another person) whether in contract, tort including negligence, statute or otherwise.


You indemnify and hold the Trustee, its directors, officers, employees and related bodies corporate harmless from any claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, (including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs) suffered or incurred directly or indirectly in connection with the use of SuperOnline and the App by you or any other person who uses SuperOnline or the App on your behalf including where such use is unauthorised or fraudulent.

Third parties

SuperOnline and the App may contain links to websites operated by third parties which have their own terms and conditions of use. The Trustee makes no representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy, currency or completeness of information on third party websites. In providing links to third party websites, the Trustee is not recommending or endorsing the products or services provided by the third party. You should use your own judgement before sharing your personal information with third parties or taking up any products or services of third parties.

The Trustee, its directors, officers, employees and related bodies corporate and associated entities are not liable for any loss, damage (including any consequential loss or damage), claims and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs) suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by you arising out of or in connection with your use of third party websites including any information shared by you with such third party or accessed by you from those websites and any products or services of the third party.


Except where otherwise stated, the copyright and intellectual property rights of the information on SuperOnline and the App is owned or licensed by the Trustee. Other than as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) no information on SuperOnline and the App may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Trustee.


Telstra Super, SuperOnline, Telstra Super Financial Planning and RetireAccess are registered trademarks of Telstra Limited. All intellectual property related to the App is owned by TelstraSuper. You agree not to reproduce or use any of the trademarks displayed on SuperOnline.

Governing law

The Terms of Use are governed by and to be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia.