Social media house rules

Keep it respectful

Do not post indecent or otherwise inappropriate content.

Do not abuse, harass or threaten others. This includes:

  1. insulting, provocative, discriminatory or hateful language
  2. obscene or offensive language.

Do not post commercial content, advertisements or spam.

Do not make comments that are unconstructive, offensive, racist, inappropriate, contain profanity, inflammatory, or irrelevant to the topic being discussed.
Please represent your own views and not impersonate or falsely represent any other person.

We may remove or hide posts that don’t comply with the above. This is not a comprehensive list and we reserve the right to take any action inline with our values to keep our social channels respectful.

If you witness comments or posts that you believe are inappropriate you can contact [email protected]

Stay safe

Please keep your personal information – including your member number – to yourself.

Do not breach the privacy, intellectual property or legal rights of others.

We will only ever ask you to provide us with your full name and member number privately. We will never send you an SMS or email linking directly to a login page