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  1. Market Update January 2022


    Global equity markets produced deeply negative returns overall in January due to growing geopolitical risk and economic concerns...

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  2. Market Update January 2021


    Global equity markets ended the month broadly flat in January as vaccine distributions lagged target levels and significant market volatility occurred towards the end of the month...

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  3. Market Update December 2020


    Global equity markets experienced strong returns in December as early stages of vaccine distribution drove investor confidence...

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  4. Market Update November 2020


    Global equity markets experienced exceptionally strong returns in November as positive vaccine news and the US election outcome produced a market positive environment...

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  5. Market Update October 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  6. Market Update September 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  7. Market Update August 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  8. Market Update July 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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