Protecting Your Super

Recently introduced legislation focuses on members with inactive accounts (no contributions received for over 16 months) and the future of their insurance cover. Here’s what you need to do if you’re affected.

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    Hi there. We recently sent you a letter explaining that your insurance cover with TelstraSuper may be cancelled if you don’t take any action. Here’s why that’s happening and what you need to do if you’d like to keep it.

    Under new laws, your account has either been classified as inactive or will soon become inactive. This is because we haven’t received a contribution to your TelstraSuper account in over 13 months.

    If you don’t take any action your insurance will be cancelled soon.

    It can pay to have insurance as a back-up plan if something unexpected happens to you like death, disability or illness. Insurance can act as a financial safety net to protect you and your family.

    Premiums for your insurance cover are deducted from your account however insurance cover is not suitable for everyone, so make sure you understand if you need it and what your options are.

    If you decide to keep your insurance there’s a few options:

    You can simply follow the link at the end of this video to fill in the form online and email it back to us.

    Otherwise you can make a contribution into your super account so you aren’t considered inactive anymore. You can send us a one-off contribution of any amount using BPAY or start getting your employer contributions made into your account.

    You can find out about the types of insurance you currently have with TelstraSuper by logging into SuperOnline. Or you can give us a call on 1300 033 166.

    As a leading profit-to-member fund, we’re here to help you understand your options before the deadline comes and your insurance is turned off.

    Ready to find out more and make your decision? Just click the link below to get started