Is your super on track?

How much super should you have according to your birth year? Get a clearer idea if your super is on track for a comfortable retirement by checking the graph below. *

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Graph indicates the average account balance, by year of birth, ASFA has indicated is required to reach the ASFA Comfortable Standard balance by age 67*. Cant find your birth year? Find it here.

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For the past 18 years we’ve been ranked one of the top Australian funds by SuperRatings,** receiving a platinum rating along with a cabinet full of super awards.


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* Important information: The reported figure is the approximate amount a person should have in superannuation now to reach the ASFA Comfortable Standard balance by age 67, assuming a future pre-tax wage income of around $65,000 per annum (see below for other assumptions). The Comfortable Standard balance—which is the lump sum required for a comfortable retirement—is $545,000, in today’s dollars. The lump sum required for a comfortable retirement assumes that the retiree will draw down all their capital, and receive a part Age Pension.

The reported figure is intended for illustrative purposes only. It should not be relied upon for making financial or product related decisions. This information is of a general nature only. The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited (ASFA) ABN 29 002 786 290 does not accept any liability, either direct or indirect, arising from any person relying, either wholly or partially, upon any information provided by, resulting from, shown in, or omitted from, this calculator. Under no circumstances will ASFA be liable for any loss or damage caused by a user’s reliance on information obtained using this calculator.

Assumptions: Pre-tax wage income of just under $65,000 per annum. The Superannuation Guarantee contribution rate increases in line with current law, from 9.5% to 12% in 2025-26. Contributions tax is deducted at the rate of 15%. Investment returns (nominal), before investment fees and taxes, are 6.7% (investment fees are 0.7 per cent of assets, and the tax rate is 4.5 per cent). Administration fees are $100 per annum. Insurance premiums are $100 per annum.

The reported figure assumes that the person has a full year until his/her next birthday, and thus will receive a full year of Superannuation Guarantee contributions before his/her next birthday. Specifically, it is assumed that a person is born on 1 July (in a particular financial year), and the reported figure is the balance on the person's birthday.

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The information in this email contains general advice which has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before you act on the information in this email, you should consider whether it is appropriate to your individual circumstances. Before making any decision regarding your TelstraSuper account, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement which is available from the TelstraSuper website or by calling 1300 033 166. You may wish to consult an Adviser before you make any decisions relating to your financial affairs. To speak with an Adviser from TelstraSuper Financial Planning call 1300 033 166.