Insurance Policy Documents

We make our insurance policy documents and insurance strategy available on our website so that you can access and understand the terms of our Death, Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) and Income Protection policies that may be applicable to you, as well as our insurance objectives and principles set out in our insurance strategy.


TAL Life Ltd Ends on 30 June 2020* Defined Benefit members Death & TPD GR927-GL
Income Protection GR 927-SC

Death & TPD GR926-GL
Income Protection GR926-SC

1 November 2014

1 November 2014

Ends on 30 June 2020

Accumulation Members

Death & TPD GL451

Income Protection GSC458

1 December 2019

Ends on 30 June 2020

MLC Life Insurance
Effective from 1 July 2020

Defined Benefit Members^

Death & TPD G3635-GLDB
Income Protection G3635-GSCDB

1 July 2020

Death & TPD G3635-GLDB
Income Protection G3635-GSCDB

1 July 2021

Death & TPD G3635-GLDB
Income Protection G3635-GSCDB

1 July 2023

Accumulation Members^

Death & TPD G3633-GL
Income Protection G3633-GSC

1 July 2020

Death & TPD G3633-GL
Income Protection G3633-GSC

1 July 2021

Death & TPD G3633-GL

1 July 2022

Death & TPD G3633-GL
Income Protection G3633-GSC

1 July 2023

Death & TPD G3633-GL
Income Protection G3633-GSC

1 October 2023

Income Protection G3633-GSC

4 April 2024

* Except for a small cohort of defined benefit members insured under the GR927 policies.
For members or beneficiaries eligible to make an insurance claim, please refer to the applicable policy issue date for your claim. For more information or if you need assistance please contact us.
^Voluntary Death and TPD cover for Defined Benefit Members is covered under the Death and TPD G3633-GL Policy.

Insurance Strategy

Insurance Strategy April 2024