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  1. Stay connected to your super


    Providing us with your personal email address – not one from your workplace – makes it easy to stay in touch with your super...

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  2. Money tips for grandkids


    One of the biggest regrets people have is not saving more. Have the grandparents’ version of ‘the talk’ with your grandchildren and encourage them to build a strong financial future...

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  3. 7 tips for travelling without the worry


    In retirement, the best travel commodity you have is time. Tours can be great, but when you have the time and prefer to meander at your own pace, then independent travel could be ideal...

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  4. Bridging the super gap in 2023


    Despite more than 30 years of compulsory super, on average women still retire with only around half the super balance of men...

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  5. Bridging the super gap in 2023


    Despite more than 30 years of compulsory super, on average women still retire with only around half the super balance of men...

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  6. Like a pay rise? Now's the time to ask


    Many of us think about asking for a pay rise at some point in our career, but don’t always follow through. How – and importantly – when we ask could be a factor in whether or not we get what we’re...

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  7. 5 questions to ask your new boss


    You’ve just landed your dream job! This can be daunting with a new work environment, new names and faces to remember, and most importantly, a new boss...

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  8. Is early retirement possible?


    Early retirement—it might sound like a dream, but how fast you get there may be determined by you more than you think. Here are some tips that could help turn your dream into a reality...

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  9. Would you fall for a scam?


    Amazingly older, highly educated men pose the highest risk of being scammed. Here are a range of security measures to protect your money...

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  10. How much money do you throw away?


    Many of us waste money without realising it, with unnecessary expenses eating away at our bank accounts. Here's how to break this costly cycle...

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