Personal Details
Member contributions


Annual salary and tax details
Gross income    
Taxable income    
PAYG tax    
Take home pay    
Employer Superannuation Guarantee    
Contributions tax -  - 
Low income superannuation    
Net super    
Total take home pay and net super    

Further tax may be payable when you leave a superannuation fund.

Next steps

So what will you do now?

  • Assumptions
    1. This calculator has been designed for use solely by Telstra Super members with accumulation accounts.
    2. This calculator provides calculations about the effect of pre-tax and post-tax contributions on your personal income tax. Income tax is calculated using the individual income tax rates and Low Income Tax Offset plus Medicare levy effective from 1 July 2024. No other tax offsets have been taken into account. The Medicare levy rate used does not take into account the reduction in the Medicare levy for persons on low incomes. The Medicare levy surcharge has also not been included in the calculator.
    3. It is assumed that you are an employee and not self-employed.
    4. No allowance has been made for any other taxes including any tax applicable to payments from superannuation. If any other taxes apply, the results will be incorrect and you should disregard them. This calculator assumes that your super fund has your Tax File Number.
    5. The Superannuation Guarantee rate of 11.5% is calculated on the pre-tax income amount entered. No allowance has been made for the maximum superannuation contribution base ($65,070 per quarter for the 2024/2025 financial year).
    6. There are limits on the amount of contributions that can be made into superannuation each year. Pre-tax contributions (including superannuation guarantee contributions (employer), salary sacrifice and employer paid insurance premiums) are capped at $30,000 per year. 15% contributions tax is payable on all pre-tax contributions. Post-tax contributions are limited to $120,000 for the 2024/2025 financial year. Additional tax may be payable if you exceed the contribution caps.
    7. As comparatives are based on the same contribution amount, post-tax contributions are also limited to the pre-tax contribution limit.
    8. If you make one or more eligible post-tax contributions to your super account during the financial year and your total income for the 2024/2025 financial year is less than $60,400, you may be eligible for a super co-contribution.
    9. You are 18 years of age or older.
    10. No allowance has been made for spouse contributions.
  • Terms of use

    The calculator is intended to provide estimates only about the impact making pre-tax and post-tax contributions could make to your super. The calculations are not intended to be a complete or definitive indication of the amount of pre-tax and post-tax contributions that you should make to your super and should not be relied on for the purposes of making any decisions in relation to your super. The validity of the estimates provided will depend on the accuracy of the data you entered into the calculator and the appropriateness of the assumptions to your individual circumstances. We recommend you seek financial advice prior to making any decisions. To discuss your advice needs call Telstra Super Financial Planning Pty Ltd on 1300 033 166.

    The information and calculator have been provided in good faith and all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that it is accurate, current and complete as at 1 July 2024. However, as superannuation is complex and subject to change from time to time, Telstra Super Pty Ltd reserves the right to correct any errors or omissions in the information and calculator. Telstra Super Pty Ltd does not make any representations and excludes all warranties in relation to the accuracy, currency, completeness and reliability of the information in, and the calculations provided by, the calculator.

    To the extent permitted by law, Telstra Super Pty Ltd, its directors, officers, employees and related bodies corporate exclude any liability for any loss, damage (including any consequential loss or damage), claims and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs) suffered or incurred by you directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with your reliance on the information provided in the calculator or the estimates obtained using the calculator, whether in contract, tort including negligence, statute or otherwise.